Tuition and Fee Schedule
Tuition Fees Grades K to 7 | $24,900 per school year (non-refundable) |
Loyalty Tuition Fees* Grades K to 7 (2025/26 school year only) |
$23,300 per school year (non-refundable) |
Application Fee: | $300 (non-refundable) |
New family Fee: | $3,000 per family (non-refundable) |
Tuition Fee Deposit: | $1,000 (refundable at the end of the completed school year, subject to submitting the previous year’s re-enrollment form within the due date stated on the re-enrollment form) |
*The Loyalty Tuition Fees are exclusively available to current families or those who register and attend the 2024/2025 school year before May 1, 2025.
The Tuition Deposit and New Family Fees must be paid upon acceptance. These are NOT REFUNDABLE if the student is asked to leave the school or withdraw during the year.
Payment Options: Tuition fees must be paid in full or submitted on signed post-dated cheques no later than April 15, 2025. Please be aware that after April 15, 2025, there will be an additional $3,000.00 late registration fee.
Payment Plan: Tuition fees can be paid in two installments: April 15, 2025(60%), and October 3rd, 2025 (40%).
A discount of 2% will apply to tuition fees paid in full on, or before April 15, 2025.
Sibling Discount: 3% reduction will be applied to tuition fees for each immediate family member enrolled at Pythagoras Academy (oldest child excluded from discount) for the school year 2025 / 2026.
Tuition fees include the cost of workbooks, most field trips, school supplies, IT fee and other materials that supplement the educational programs. There may be extra out of school activities fees that will apply throughout the school year.
BC Government Grant: The school receives a grant under the Independent School Act from the BC Ministry of Education for each qualifying student. The above school fees are applicable if the student qualifies for the grant. For students who do not qualify, there is an additional fee of $4,500 per school year.
Tuition Fees Grade K to Grades 7 | $33,700 per school year |
Application Fee: | $500 (non-refundable) |
New family Fee: | $3,000 per family (non-refundable) |
Tuition Fee Deposit: | $10,000 (non-interest bearing, refundable within 180 days after graduation, withdrawal or dismissal by the school) |
The Tuition Deposit and Registration Fee must be paid upon acceptance.
Tuition fees must be paid in full no later than April 15, 2025. Please be aware that after April 15, 2025, there will be an additional $3,000 late registration fee.
Tuition fees include the cost of workbooks, most field trips, school supplies, IT fee and other materials that supplement the educational programs. There may be extra out of school activities fees that will apply throughout the school year.
Tuition Fees Grades K to 5 | $22,400 per school year (non-refundable) |
Application Fee: | $300 (non-refundable) |
New family Fee: | $3,000 per family (non-refundable) |
Tuition Fee Deposit: | $1,000 (refundable at the end of the completed school year, subject to submitting the previous year’s re-enrollment form within the due date stated on the re-enrollment form) |
The Tuition Deposit and New Family Fees must be paid upon acceptance. These are NOT REFUNDABLE if the student is asked to leave the school or withdraw during the year.
Payment Options: Tuition fees must be paid in full or submitted on signed post-dated cheques no later than the deadline the school provided. Please be aware that after the deadline, there will be an additional $1,000.00 late registration fee.
Payment Plan: Tuition fees can be paid in two installments: upon acceptance offer(60%), October 3rd, 2024 (40%).
A discount of 2% will apply to tuition fees paid in full on, or before the deadline school provided.
Sibling Discount: 3% reduction will be applied to tuition fees for each immediate family member enrolled at Pythagoras Academy (oldest child excluded from discount) for the school year 2024 / 2025.
Tuition fees include the cost of workbooks, most field trips, school supplies, IT fee and other materials that supplement the educational programs. There may be extra out of school activities fees that will apply throughout the school year.
BC Government Grant: The school receives a grant under the Independent School Act from the BC Ministry of Education for each qualifying student. The above school fees are applicable if the student qualifies for the grant. For students who do not qualify, there is an additional fee of $4,000 per school year.
Tuition Fees Grade K to Grades 5 | $33,700 per school year |
Application Fee: | $500 (non-refundable) |
New family Fee: | $3,000 per family (non-refundable) |
Tuition Fee Deposit: | $10,000 (non-interest bearing, refundable within 180 days after graduation, withdrawal or dismissal by the school) |
The Tuition Deposit and Registration Fee must be paid upon acceptance.
Tuition fees must be paid in full no later than the deadline the school provided. Please be aware that after the deadline, there will be an additional $1,000 late registration fee.
Tuition fees include the cost of workbooks, most field trips, school supplies, IT fee and other materials that supplement the educational programs. There may be extra out of school activities fees that will apply throughout the school year.
Disclaimer: Due to update delays or typos, this page may not provide the most recent fee schedule.